Round Table: developer guidelines and tools: are they helping or causing confusion?

We are inviting participation (which is free) at our second Round Table, organised in conjunction with GSMA - Tuesday February 10 2015 at the GSMA offices in London.

Around 20 industry players will spend a day debating the real value of specific guidelines and tools from the selection we’ll be reviewing, focusing in the morning on privacy

Representatives from GSMAInformation Commissioner’s OfficeIntuit, App Developers Alliance and MEF will be there to listen and react to feedback from the real world of developing apps today. 

The deadline for applying is January 9th 2015.
Please read all about the Round Table before completing the form below.  Thanks.  


First name *
Last name *
Email *
Organisation name *
Website *
Which of the following apply to you (multiple selection possible)?
Please select: * To select more than one item, hold down "ctrl" on a PC and "apple" on a Mac

What benefits could you bring to this Round Table? *

* required information